Sunday, March 30, 2008
post at wretch. Saturday, March 29, 2008 had baby red shirts' training in the morning, quite fruitful i must say (: i feel that we are more open and willing to place our confidence in one another now. not to mention our enthusiasm going higher than the moon! hahahha yay. went for st nicks fiesta instead of acjc funorama since i have no money and fiesta is a funfair too anyway. i dont regret it! st nicks is so happening that peiyi and i didnt even know where to start with! we were afraid of spending too much money then realising there are better things to buy after that! but man, suddenly yeekeat came with thirty dollars worth of tickets and offered them to peiyi cos she didnt want them anymore. in a split second, WE WERE LOADED WAHAHHAHA! immediately went to get more food without hesitation! the only obstacle was my already filled up stomach ): if not i can buy so much more things! we didnt get to do it in the end though, since we went to watch the finale. the cheer routines were as usual really great, though we see certain steps every year. but man, i love st nicks' cheer routines ttm! :D oh btw, we really broke the guinness world record (: pictures!
i need sleep. Thursday, March 27, 2008 run. brake; hang on. -pants. Monday, March 24, 2008 my mind is full of flute pieces, i keep humming the melodies of the songs i practised and played for lessons! and they wont go away! hurr, i shall blame flute for causing me to be distracted while reading chem. anyway saturday was banner painting day! pictures are courtesy of wanswen :) rahhh had fun though it was rather hot and a few of us were all running low on blood pressure. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() isn't the banner NICE? :D :D went to peiyi's page on friendster and found this pic below: ![]() yes that's me, day dreaming in victoria hall on valentine's day. yeah so my date was peiyi!! hahaha! aiyoh. i look so lonely eh. but the hostel was nice! peiyi cooked for me okay! ahhaha. maggi mee. rahhh. i cannot disappoint teachers. i cannot disappoint myself. I MUST DO MY WORK!!!! Friday, March 21, 2008 yesterday night (or rather this morning), i dreamt of a very special person and a very lovely group of people. the group of ppl are ELECTS!!! and who's the special person? it's.... (highlight the empty space below to see) MAS SELAMAT!!!!!!!! i made the intro sound like a very pleasant dream huh. IT BLOODY HELL WASN'T!! WAHHH WAS SCARED OUT OF MY WITS. it went like this.. i was in the POSB place where there're alot of machines for you to either withdraw or deposit money with a bunch of SC people, some inside the place, some outside. was just looking around and i saw the person strolling around, looking at everyone! i stared for about 2 seconds before registering who he was, and suddenly my heart started to pump really fast. my first instinct was to get out of the place as naturally as i could, then hide and call the police. i was afraid to 打草驚蛇 by informing the others in the room. with shaking legs i walked out of the place and met up with the SC ppl waiting outside and realised they also saw him and were looking very pale and afraid. a person whom i vaguely remember is shihang, calling the police, and all of us were hiding behind this post box, out of sight of the person. the police came in 2 seconds and cordoned off the place, while screams were heard from inside as the people realised they were in such close proximity with the person. just as we the people outside were feeling relieved that the person is finally caught, a police came out asking for me, saying i was needed. MANNN my legs immediately turned jelly and i followed the policeman into POSB. when the person caught sight of me, he conjured up a noose out of nowhere and beckoned me over to him. i immediately took many steps backwards. these were the thoughts running through my head. 1. MANN! HE WANT TO TAKE ME AS HOSTAGE IS IT! 2. HE WANTS TO SACRIFICE ME BEFORE HE KENA CAUGHT? 3. IS IT BECAUSE I LOOK LIKE A MALAY? 4. MATI!!!! very abruptly, i valiantly walked towards him thinking i must sacrifice myself to the society... then i forgot the rest/stopped the dream. man. WHAT A DREAM!! pengs. if i had woken up then i bet i'll find myself in cold sweat. anyway finally met xuezhen today!!!! like so bloody long since i saw her. caught up on stuff and i realised im always watching her eat!! i always happen to be broke when i meet her -_- anyway xuezhen hope to meet you very soon again!!! and i want a reply to my long letter ((: madman loves smelly girl! <3 Thursday, March 20, 2008 im having major post-electscamp-depression! haha. i miss camp ): here are some photos i got from stacy; only a few are put up cos she told me dont anyhow put, alot of retarded photos :D
Rule #1 rocks too!! kelvin tong is from vjc! man im so proud of him :D heh random :) ohoh and and! im finally meeting xuezhen tomorrow! but only for dinner ): rahh this is for you xuezhen: I MISS YOUUUU!!!! xoxoxoxo Tuesday, March 18, 2008 i came here with loads of things to say. but my mind's shutting down (forgot who said my mind's forever shut down) so i shall come back and update another day. by the way! thursday full day! (do you realise everything rhymes, yay!) Friday, March 14, 2008 i dropped killer litter yesterday ): okay it wasnt exactly KILLER litter but one moment i was scolding andy about killer litter cos he was talking about throwing things down and the next moment i leaned over the railing and there goes my mini toons bag to the basement of parkway parade. thank god the bag didnt contain heavy or pointed things; it nearly hit a little child playing innocently at the makeshift playground. today was a horrible day, not because of the events but the gastric i had since the morning which was joint by a further headache later in the day. i need to get my math stuff right. rahhhhhh. and i understand about... 10 percent of everything tested? D.A.R.E tomorrow. coolios! and church after that. hmmm hope i'll have fun and maybe meet some familiar faces! Thursday, March 13, 2008 ![]() ![]() we've been through so much, nominees/elects alike. there's no reason why we shouldn't continue to strive on in the future. ALL THE WAY, 25THS, I KNOW WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER! im sorry if i dao-ed a few ppl during the elects' camp... it was on purpose, but i didn't mean to do it! bless me for math )): im so afraid of mr ho now. i'm in a listen-to-english-songs mood now. Wednesday, March 12, 2008 other than a pulled muscle (not that serious). a loosened and dangerous knee, i took back so much more things home with me; mentally, physically and spiritually. first let me catch my sleep. Monday, March 10, 2008 from this post you can tell that no matter how tired i am, im still nocturnal. so im sleepy in the day. elects' camp tomorrow, i feel a little intimidated and afraid. but well, it's meant to train us isnt it. i will do my best (: and why i suddenly got scandal? i've always been the matchmaker. just hope amelia doesnt come and chase me with a chopper. dont worry amelia, lamyiyong belongs to you already! :D i hope the 24ths will like the elects item! they looked really good from where lennart and i sat watching. coolios! oh i need to go memorize lyrics for collide. im talking incoherently i guess. i have to wake up even earlier than my normal waking time when i have morning meetings because tomorrow i gotta have breakfast! and i gotta cook maggi by myself. my parents will be back tomorrow to find that im the one in turn staying outside for three days. rahhh. go go jiayou. Wednesday, March 05, 2008 my internet connection came back. if only it did earlier, then i wouldn bother so many people. i've given up on a particular something. i can't say it's a loss. but i'm upset all the same. it's alright if my com breaks down now. i dont actually need it and my habit of coming online has already started to fade. my parents are going to macau for the next five days. i feel some sort of loss now which i can't explain. can't say today's a long day. but. but but but. i'm not making much sense am i? sigh. 蒲公英的約定 曲:周杰倫 詞:方文山 小學籬芭旁的蒲公英 是記憶裏有味道的風景 午睡操場傳來蟬的聲音 多少年後也還是很好聽 將願望折紙飛機寄成信 因為我們等不到那流星 認真投決定命運的硬幣 卻不知道到底能去哪里 一起長大的約定 那樣清晰 打過勾的我相信 說好要一起旅行 是你如今 唯一堅持的任性 在走廊上罰站打手心 我們卻注意窗邊的蜻蜓 我去到哪裏你都跟很緊 很多的夢在等待著進行 一起長大的約定 那樣真心 與你聊不完的曾經 而我已經分不清 你是友情 還是錯過的愛情 Tuesday, March 04, 2008 I'M ONLINE! is that a surprise? haha. not much time to go bloghop ): am at newfriend's house doing the elects' item stuff... what a nice time for my com to break down huh ): ): i slept for 12 hours yesterday. random. funny how when i am deprived of internet i feel like i have so many things to blog about, but now when i have access i dont know what to write. oh lennart said i should blog about this. i left school with him this evening for home, and when reaching the bus stop, he took out his phone and used gprs to find out how fast 43 was arriving. apparently it said 'ARRIVING' and when i popped my head out from behind the bus stop noticeboard, THERE COMES 43 DRIVING TOWARDS ME!! so i walked out towards the edge of the bus stop. AND THE BUS ZOOOOOOOMED PAST ME!!! I HATE 43 FROM NOW ON! BOOOO! okay i dont mean it. 43 rocks in the morning. only in the morning (: finally today i dont have to tolerate loneliness when going to school! bus trip with bus kakis was fun but a lil weird today cos suddenly all of them have scandals and their own couple! -does the emo pose- anyhow im a happy girl today, didnt fall asleep once(of course, how could i with 12 hours of sleep). oh no. BIO TUTORIAL! -immediate mood change- bye! Sunday, March 02, 2008 my internet's down, and im at my cousin's house now with a limited amount of time for blogging! glad to see my blog is not yet dead, cos there's two co ppl who just 'reunited'(uhh i think i could use a better word) and i see SANDRA! hello sandra!! (: and the stoner benzazzzzz hahahah. im blogging now to entertain ur stoning mind! well i cant say much cos my time is almost up(sounds wrong). will blog one day when my com decides to repair itself or something. continue tagging me if you can haha! s34 rocks! tsd rocks!! elects rock!!! |
![]() Clovergreen♥ There's more to things than you'll ever know, but I'm beginning to anticipate the unknown. Smile, because you are worth it. Tey Xiao Wei 08021991 NUS FASS Victoria Junior College CHIJ SN Aquarius Enthusiast Extreme 蘇打綠 Sodafan Designer : Chili. x o x o free web counter |